Sunday, January 29, 2012

Do some Good

As I mentioned in my last blog, I'm going to "get it together" in 2012. One step in my process is really figuring out what I want to do with my life and what I have to accomplish to get there. For those of you who don't already know, my dream job is to work for the United Nations. So this past week, I made another trip to New York City and visited the UN Headquarters in Manhattan. And it was learning experience in itself.

United Nations Headquarters, NY
"imagine a world in peace..."
one day I'll have a delegate seat here in the UN general assembly hall 
I'm huge on any type of humanitarian efforts, regardless how big or small the contribution is. Since I travel extensively I've been exposed to many of the world's continuing problems, like extreme poverty, hunger, women's rights, lack of education, and war/political unrest. Some of the UN exhibits that touched up on these subjects really hit home for me, and made me want to be associated with the United Nations even more...

Of course many people want to give back, but I know times are rough and if you can't make monetary donations or have time to volunteer, you can still help out. During my tour of the UN, I found this AMAZING website called which is a non-profit website run by the United Nations World Food Programme. On their website you can choose from 6 different subjects (Language, Humanities, Math, Geography, English and Chemistry) and play trivia games. You're probably thinking, so what's the big deal?! Welllllll…For each answer you get right, FreeRice will donate 10 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Programme to help end world hunger. I personally think it's a genius idea! So I highly encourage everyone to make an account (it's free, so no excuses), play the games and help feed a person in need. It's a win-win! I love it and I do the trivia questions whenever I have any kind of down time, not to mention I always feel a little bit smarter after completing a level. =)

So go on and do some good! 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Year, New Adventures

I know I'm pretty late with the New Year's blog but better late than never! Every year I make the typical NY resolutions like working out or eating healthy, etc knowing that I'm more than likely going to break it well before February. So this year (in addition to adding on to my already ridiculously long Bucket List) I've decided to make my resolutions more realistic, in a sense that I not only want to get these things done but that I NEED to get it done. 2012's theme is it's time for me to "get it together."

1. Learn to swim
I love the beach, I love to boogie board and surf, and I'm tired of getting all those crazy looks from everyone when they find out that I can't even swim! But in my defense, I was traumatized when I was a kid…so I think this is the year to finally get over that mishap that's semi scarred me for the past 20 years.

2. Re-learn Italian
I studied in Rome in 2007 and absolutely fell in love with anything and everything Italian. 5 years later I hate that I've lost that connection with the language, so this year I'm going to re-learn the basics and move up a level in my communication skills.

3. Learn to fence
It's just time for a new hobby...

4. Narrow down grad school choices
Apparently in order for me to land my dream job I need to have a Master's degree, so we'll take it one step at a time.

5. Take the GRE
Time to hit the books hard…

Now the fun part…my top 5 new additions to my forever growing travel bucket list. 

1. Himalayas/Nepal/Tibet
And yes, I fully intend to climb Everest (at least to the base camp)
2. African Safari
3. Explore the Amazon  
4. Galapagos/Machu Pichu, Peru
5. Argentina (including Patagonia)/Brazil

Given, I probably won't get all of these checked off this year but if I can at least get 1 or even 2 done I would be satisfied and I can always do the rest the following year. Any one care to join? I'm always looking for fun new travel buddies :)

2012, Im going to make you amazing.