A couple weekends ago, against warning signs and better judgement I flew to New York City a day before the massive Hurricane Irene was scheduled to hit the East Coast.
Luckily by the time it reached NY, the hurricane downgraded to "Tropical storm Irene" and failed to be the "apocalyptic, big-city disaster" that they anticipated. Even though the state was prepared and overly cautious, they still couldn't prevent the damage from Irene's strong winds and rain. Brooklyn and Long Island flooded, but Manhattan was spared (good news for us since we were staying at the
Gild Hotel in Lower Manhattan, only a block away from the evacuation zone).
Airports up and down the East Coast were shut down for 3 days, more than 13,000 flights cancelled, everything was closed, the NY subway and buses were shut down for a day and a half, and New York's Mayor Bloomberg ordered NY's first mandatory evacuations. "The city that never sleeps" was in lockdown and Manhattan was a ghost town.
Penn Station lockdown. |
The streets of Lower Manhattan empty? |
NY subway chained? |
Hurricane much? |
Sure the shelves in the grocery stores were empty and there were long lines to buy water and supplies, but surprisingly I never sensed any major panic from any New Yorker or tourist. The night before everyone partied like a regular Friday night, during the hurricane our hotel opened up their bar and provided board game entertainment for guests and the calm after the storm was no different, everyone celebrated "surviving a hurricane." The nightlife scene felt more festive than worrisome, and everyone seemed to make the best out of a bad situation.
Entertainment during Irene. |
Despite the setbacks, I wasn't going to let a hurricane rain on my parade, I still wanted to see New York! I've been to this city plenty of times before and each visit I get a completely different vibe, and I love it. There's something really special about "the capital of the world." I find it hard not be completely fascinated by the fast paced way of life in this concrete jungle. I'm constantly looking up at all the skyscrapers and not paying attention to where I'm walking because of all the street distractions, the shops, and the people.
The "naked cowboy" at Times Square |
Central Park |
View of the Empire State from the Top of the Rock |
Trying to find our way through New York City. |
World Trade Center Site |
P.S. If you don't already know, this year marks the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. Unfortunately the
memorial wasn't open when I was there, (it opens on the anniversary and the museum is set to open later this year) but from the pictures displayed by Ground Zero, it looks like something that can't be missed.
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