Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dear Santa

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Unfortunately I had to work an all day double shift but it didn't put me in a grinch-like mood that I thought I would be in. And it was partly because I got this in the mail...a letter from Santa from the Arctic Circle! He must have gotten my memo that I've been good this year.

I love the little things in life that come at unexpected moments and always seem to make you day just a little bit brighter =)
Earlier this year I made a trip to Santa's home...and no, not the North Pole which is actually a diversion from his real residence in Rovaniemi, Finland (and no, I'm no joking at all). I had my doubts when I found this fun fact out too so I felt it was only necessary that I fly there and make sure. And I was proved wrong! After a very looooong journey (almost 20 hours one way from SF to Lapland, Finland) we landed in the small town of Rovaniemi, a winter wonderland that I didn't even know existed until a couple weeks before my trip. And to my surprise their small claim to fame was being Santa's residence. It was amazing gallivanting around Santa's Village and having one of main means of transport be reindeers...so I you want to read more on my adventures in Lapland, Finland...CLICK HERE...and be redirected to my sister blog, The Long Weekenders.

Happy holidays everyone, bring on the New Year!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

happy holidays...

Christmas in Union Square, SF
If the Christmas bug hasn't bit you yet...check out The Long Weekenders holiday blog...CLICK HERE guaranteed to lighten your holiday spirit. xoxo

Friday, December 16, 2011

A bitter sweet parting

I just got back from a two week training session in Atlanta for my new job. Initially I just wanted to get it done and over with, and saw it as just a free trip out of state. Even though the courses were rough and I felt like I was in college again (but with more rules/restraints) I surprisingly had an great time. Given, it was also the longest 2 weeks of my life, at one point I even thought I lived in ATL! 

SFO ladies
Air Trans operations tower in ATL
the view from operations atl
DC, who dyes his beard everyday to match his outfit, talk about setting trends

But I thought I'd share some food for thought. It's amazing how you can meet a group of strangers with completely different backgrounds and instantly be able to spend 24 hours a day with them for 2 weeks and not want to strangle them. And to top it off, being able to come out of the experience feeling like you've known each other your whole lives. It's a good feeling, and I'm grateful for them and the learning experience. But now it's back to reality, and I'm looking forward to feeling like Christmas since the holiday spirit hasn't hit me yet this year. Ciao for now!